Our Story
Vintage Blossom is a a mama-owned online boutique based in the heart of the beautiful North East, specialising in clothing for babies and young girls. Our story began after the arrival of my two little blossoms, Millie (4) and Lola (3). As a new mum navigating sleepless nights and endless feeds, I found so much joy in hunting for the cutest outfits for my girls—especially matching sibling sets! It was during this special time that I discovered my love for vintage-inspired pieces, and I knew I had to share that joy with others.
In 2024, I took a brief break as life’s priorities shifted, but I couldn’t stay away for long. I returned with a fresh focus and a little brand refresh, reigniting my passion for what inspired Vintage Blossom from the very start: vintage-inspired designs with a modern twist. We adore simple, timeless styles and neutral fabrics, but we also embrace bold vintage prints, oversized collars, puffy sleeves, and delicate lace trims.
As we move into 2025, we’re shifting away from seasonal collections and focusing on offering pieces we truly adore—items that reflect our unique style, available year-round for you to enjoy.
I hope you love exploring our collection as much as I love curating it for you! Thanks for being a part of our journey. xx